Not sure or special needs

  • No one comes here able to do this

    It takes time and effort. These workouts and movements are challenging. Challenging to every athlete regardless of ability or experience. Don’t worry we have ways of making it work for you.

  • Scaling

    Scaling is the process of modifying the workout for individual needs and abilities. We scale and modify the workout for any reason except preference. Sorry but this is the place you come to do they things you would not otherwise do. We do this in every class and it is not uncommon to have every single athlete scale a workout. You will never slow anyone else down or get in their way. Everyone starts together but they do their own workout.

  • Recovery

    Recovery is what we call what you do after the workout to restore yourself. This includes eating and sleeping. Our experience shows us that if you are doing this right recovery becomes where your real efforts lie.

  • Injuries

    While very few of our members get hurt working out here we find that many come here injured. These injuries are legacies of past trauma from work, play or sports. It is often the case that a person is “nursing” an old injury rather than doing what is necessary to make it truly a part of their history. We have helped many people finally get over an old injury. We are not in the business of keeping you injured.

  • Age

    While it is popular to cite amazing efforts by older people and then say, “age is just a number” take it from someone that has personal experience in this space. There’s more to it than that! Recovery is harder and longer when you are older, but that does not mean age disqualifies you. Far from it. Exercise will keep you young but you have to treat it with the respect it deserves. After all you are not 25 anymore, right?

  • Weight Training increases bulk?

    Not in women. Women do not get bulky because being a woman you do not have enough testosterone to quickly grow muscles. So I can categorically state that you will not wake up one day upset because you suddenly got “bulky” it just will not happen! What will happen is your shape will change. This is a change that most women like.

  • Never played sports or worked out?

    At every class we teach every person the movements in the workout. We assume you do not know how to do the movements and so we teach you each time. Over time you learn and our teaching is more of a refresher that keeps everyone’s technique on point.

  • New to working out?

    All new members get extra attention. That is the way it works for everyone. As you spend time here you gain experience and suddenly you know what you are doing and you are no longer the newest person in class.

  • Making Fitness and Health a priority

    These days everyone knows you need to take care of your body. That means regular exercise, good nutrition and great sleep. Yet there are many so called gyms that do not provide the attention, support and fun necessary to enable most people to be successful. At CFTally we provide what you have missed or never had and we will help you get healthier and fitter than you have ever been.

  • How much is enough?

    Enough means you are doing enough to create positive change in your body. Tracking your daily steps does not help you change if you do not do anything different. You will stay exactly the same. What we do is give you experiences that cause your body to conclude that change is necessary. If you work within your capacity you prove to your body that change is not necessary. You can be as strong as you need to be and no stronger. We help you provide “proof” to your body that change is required.

  • What gets people into rest homes?

    If you lead a life of slow decline your abilities decrease over time. Eventually you will have difficult with even the simplest tasks such as getting down and up from the toilet. Now no one wants to think about this but if you lose your ability to squat you will severely reduce your quality of life. Most people would rather be at home then move to a facility but if you cannot safely go to the bathroom without danger of falling then your choices are limited. It takes decades for this to happen but time is not on your side. Start changing now or pay the price later.

  • But I Can't do that stuff

    This is one thing everyone here has in common. There are movements that are beyond us all. Certainly there are advanced movements but it is not limited to those. Running is difficult for many people. What I can assure you is that we will not give up on you. Even if you are unable to do something today it does not mean you will never do it. And until you are able we have alternative things you can do.

  • Getting Healthy

    We are coaches and trainers and we do the best job we can. But we are not physical therapist or other medical personnel. One of the benefits of being in this business for so long is we know people. It is not uncommon for us to refer out difficult cases. We are not in the business of keeping you sick or injured and if we cannot help we will help you find someone that can.

  • A Healthy lifestyle

    Eating “clean” or well is important but our bodies are meant to move and when you don’t you begin to lose your capacity. Adding exercise into your daily life is the best most effective way to realize your health goals. Most days should include more than casual exercise.

What People Are Saying


I am not an elite athlete, and it's unlikely that I will ever be one. However, I'm a better athlete than I was 6 months ago when I started at CFTally, and I plan to be a better athlete 6 months from now.....and thereafter. So why does a person with seemingly modest fitness aspirations join CFTally? The answer is because I want to manage aging as proactively as possible, and at 52, I only need to prove it to myself that I can. And if I can do it, lots of other people can too. — Anne


“After almost four years of membership at CFTally, I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without it. When I started I weighed 275 lbs. and couldn’t run more than a quarter mile, now I'm down 40 pounds and just ran the Tallahassee marathon!”— Rob

“If you are hesitant because of your fitness level, look at me!  I didn’t work out a day in my life and now I cannot stop!  If you are hesitant because of your budget, as a student, I understand the struggle.  I can’t speak for other boxes, but CFTally has great student rates, discounts, and multiple other options that will work for you.  Lastly, if you are hesitant because you don’t think you can, the word “can’t” is not allowed in CFTally (literally, you will get a burpee penalty), so you’ll quickly learn that you can do anything you set your mind to, just like I did.” — Theresa


“CFTally will make you the athlete that you wish to be, and make you the athlete that you never knew you could be no matter where you view yourself right now.”— Lauren